samedi 26 septembre 2015

Creating file using Artisan Command in Laravel 5.1

I have created a Artisan Command for my project with this command:

`php artisan make:console Repositories`

The signature for the above custom command is:

protected $signature = 'make:repository {modelName : The name of the model}';

When this command gets executed / fired, 2 files are created:

  1. app/Http/Repositories/Contracts/modelNameRepositoryContract.php
  2. app/Http/Repositories/Eloquent/modelNameRepository.php

Now, I want that the namespace, the className should be written by default. Just like what we get when firing the make:controller ModelController or make:model Model. Those files have written the default things that it needs to have. I want similar to that only.

I want to populate the file with the namespace, the use namespace and the class/contract name by default. And for that here's the handle() method from Repositories.php file:

 * Execute the console command.
 * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $modelName = $this->argument('modelName');

     if ($modelName === '' || is_null($modelName) || empty($modelName)) {
         $this->error('Model Name Invalid..!');

     if (! file_exists('app/Http/Repositories/Contracts') && ! file_exists('app/Http/Repositories/Eloquent')) {

         mkdir('app/Http/Repositories/Contracts', 0775, true);
         mkdir('app/Http/Repositories/Eloquent', 0775, true);

         $contractFileName = 'app/Http/Repositories/Contracts/' . $modelName . 'RepositoryContract.php';
         $eloquentFileName = 'app/Http/Repositories/Eloquent/' . $modelName . 'Repository.php';

         if(! file_exists($contractFileName) && ! file_exists($eloquentFileName)) {
             $contractFileContent = "<?php\n\nnamespace App\\Http\\Repositories\\Contracts;\n\ninterface " . $modelName . "RepositoryContract\n{\n}";

             file_put_contents($contractFileName, $contractFileContent);

             $eloquentFileContent = "<?php\n\nnamespace App\\Http\\Repositories\\Eloquent;\n\nuse App\\Repositories\\Contracts\\".$modelName."RepositoryContract;\n\nclass " . $modelName . "Repository implements " . $modelName . "RepositoryContract\n{\n}";

             file_put_contents($eloquentFileName, $eloquentFileContent);

             $this->info('Repository Files Created Successfully.');

         } else {
             $this->error('Repository Files Already Exists.');

I know that the above method is not the correct way to create the file using the Artisan command. So, how should I create the file and populate it with the default things. I could not find it anything related to this in the docs.

So can anybody help me out with this ?

Thanks in advance.

via Chebli Mohamed

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