mercredi 30 septembre 2015

Laravel Behat fails when visiting back the same page

In the following Behat scenario the last statement failed, where "Raining" is seen, but expected not to see.

Scenario: Can update existing document
    Given there is an active user with email "" and name "John Doe"
    And the user with email "" has a document title "Raining"
    When I am logged in with email ""
    And I go to "/document"
    Then I should see "Raining"
    When I follow "Raining"
    Then I follow "Edit"
    Then I fill in "title" with "Rainbow"
    And I press "Save changes"
    Then I should be on "/document"
    And I should see "Document changes saved successfully"
    Then I should not see "Raining"

And I should see "Document changes saved successfully" passed.

But Then I should not see "Raining" failed.

When I print the output before that step which fails, I see the old value still there, with that success thinggy. Obviously that is not the case when I manually performed the steps with browser.

It seems the problem will occur whenever the steps involve visiting the same page.

Is this a known issue or workaround with this?

via Chebli Mohamed

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