samedi 3 octobre 2015

Laravel 5.1 Snappy PDF overwrite

Is there an option to overwrite the existing PDF file?

I have this function:

public function quote($id){

    $quote          = Quotes::find($id);
    $last_quote     = sprintf("%'.04d\n", $quote->quote_number);
    $customer       = Customer::find($quote->customer_id);
    $items          = $quote->Items()->get();
    $fullinfo       = json_decode($quote->fullinfo);
    $token          = $quote->Tokens()->first();

    $data = [
        'quote'         => $quote,
        'last_quote'    => $last_quote,
        'customer'      => $customer,
        'items'         => $items,
        'fullinfo'      => $fullinfo,
        'token'         => $token,

    $pdf = App::make('snappy.pdf.wrapper');

    $pdf->LoadView('quotes.quote_print', $data)
        ->setOption('page-size', 'A4');
    $path = storage_path() . "/quotes/{$customer->name}/cotizacion.pdf";
    return $pdf->stream();


The problem is that when i run that function for the second time i get a file already exist error.

via Chebli Mohamed

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