jeudi 1 octobre 2015

Session return not valid information from Laravel 5.1 Dingo API

I am making an website with client (make by laravel 5.1) interacting with an API (make by Dingo and Laravel 5.1 too). But i can't get the return value from session. I was tried everything i can but nothing good!, please you guys help me. I will very appreciated if anyone direct me to the way to solve this problem, this is my code i use to test the returned session.

public function test(Request $request, $ucode){
    $sessionToke =  $request->session()->all();

    return  $sessionToke; }

This is the code in client side which i use to get session value:

 public function checkState(Request $request, $ucode){
    $params = ''.$ucode;
    $action = 'test';
    $result = ApiController::getAPI($params, $action);
    return json_encode($result);

And the problem is when i try to get value directly from the api (in postman) everything is good but nothing show up when i try to call through the client side routes (even in ajax and postman). This is the screen capture: enter image description here enter image description here

Thank you!

via Chebli Mohamed

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