dimanche 22 mai 2016

Making a visitor tracker in laravel 5.1

I've currently installed a plugin (http://ift.tt/1oa6jQo)

Wich does the tracking thing, only I want to get unique visitors. I reall don't know how to extract those from this package. Or how I should make one by my own.

I want them to return as a json object per month.

If someone could help me out with this?

I tried it using the tracker_sessions table, but that doesn't work well.

Route::get('admin/api', function(){

        $stats = DB::table('tracker_sessions')
          ->orderBy('created_at', 'ASC')
            DB::raw('created_at as y'),
            DB::raw('COUNT(*) as b')

          return json_encode($stats);

That returns something like this:

[{"y":"2016-05-22 21:17:17","b":1},{"y":"2016-05-22 21:17:27","b":1},{"y":"2016-05-22 21:17:28","b":2},{"y":"2016-05-22 21:17:29","b":1},{"y":"2016-05-22 21:17:31","b":1},{"y":"2016-05-22 21:17:33","b":1},{"y":"2016-05-22 21:18:10","b":1},{"y":"2016-05-22 21:18:11","b":2},{"y":"2016-05-22 21:18:13","b":1}]

Wich is not good at all...

Can someone please help me out?


via Chebli Mohamed

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