mardi 24 mai 2016

Qrcode generate by id in laravel

i have qrcode but in there i have trouble. in my app i want my qrcode can auto generate by code work but the exiting not make qrcode but only show code text. can someone tell me how to fix it ?

so, there is my view :

<div class="col-lg-12 code">
     {!! QrCode::size(250)->generate('<?php echo $row->name?>'); !!}
     <p>Scan for locations.</p>

and this my controller, :

public function getEdit($id)  {
        $data['row'] = locations::find($id);
        return view('locations_form',$data);

    public function postEditSave($id) {
        $simpan= array();

        DB::table('locations')->where('id', $id)->update($simpan);
        Session::flash('edit', 'Data berhasil di Edit');
        return Redirect::to('locations');

and this my table : table

via Chebli Mohamed

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