jeudi 9 juin 2016

How to get all values from input fields from a Form in Laravel?

I'm working on a form that has a list of users in each row. So What I'm suppose to do is to add an email to each user by clicking on a checkbox (that part works fine). But then after clicking on Submit I'm supposse to get a new page (order-summary page) and display ONLY the users that were assigned with an email. So far I'm able to add an email to a user and after clicking on the submit button I get to the order-summary page and display the email, however my issue is that I don't know how to display not only the email but the user's name and phone number along with the email.

For example I have selected 5 users and give them emails. Here's a picture of my home page (form page)

enter image description here

Now, after clicking on Submit button I get this other page (order-summary page) and here's a picture

enter image description here

So How can I show full information for each user and not only the emails on the order-summary page? For example What I want to display on order-summary page is this:

Allie Craig 3039453156

Voytko Liz 3038003943

Keanan Cypher 3038003969

FirstName LastName 4085121976

Henry Granados 3038003945

Can anybody tell me what I'm missing please?? Thank you so much in advance!!

Here's my code:


// Login
Route::get('login/{one?}/{two?}/{three?}/{four?}/{five?}',     'Auth\AuthController@getLogin');
Route::post('login/{one?}/{two?}/{three?}/{four?}/{five?}', 'Auth\AuthController@postLogin');
Route::get('logout/{one?}/{two?}/{three?}/{four?}/{five?}', 'Auth\AuthController@logout');

 // Home
 Route::get('/', function() { return redirect('home'); });
 Route::get('home', 'HomeController@home');
 Route::post('home', 'HomeController@activateCustomer');
 Route::get('order-summary', 'HomeController@orderingSubmission');


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\ABCWebServices\CDRWSRestOperations;
use App\Email\Emailer;
use App\Email\EmailTemplate;
use App\Http\Requests;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input;
use DB;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redirect;
use Log;
use PhpParser\Node\Expr\Cast\Array_;
use Session;

class HomeController extends Controller
public function __construct()

public function home()
    require 'wsdl.php';
    require 'utility.php';

    $loggedInUserId = Session::get('userId');
    $groupId = Session::get('groupId');

    Log::debug("  Session::get('groupId')" .$groupId);

    $options = array('login' => $login, 'password' => $password, 'trace' => 1);

    try {
        $client = new \SoapClient($wsdlCws, $options);
    } catch (SoapFault $client) {
        // TODO Any custom error handling needs to go in app/Exceptions/Handler.php

    $options = array(
        'trace' => 1,
        'searchUserAttr' => array(
            'groupName' => array(
                'mode' => 'Equal To',
                'value' => $groupId,
                'isCaseInsensitive' => 'true'

    // Log basic information about the request
    Log::info('    wsdl: ' . $wsdlCws);
    Log::info('    login: ' . $login);
    Log::info('    password: ' . $password);

    // Log the actual getUser request being sent
    Log::info('    sending groupId request: ' . print_r($options, true));
    // Send the getUser request
    try {
        $result = $client->search($options);
    } catch (SoapFault $client) {
        $errorMessage = print_r($client, true);
        Log::error(' Exception caught in search call' . $errorMessage);
    // Log the actual response received
    Log::info('    received groupId response: ' . print_r($result, true));

     //Convert the response object into an associative array for easier manipulation
    $resultArray = object_to_array($result);
    Log::info('    received groupId response: ' . print_r($resultArray, true));

    return view('home', [
        'userId' => $loggedInUserId,
        'resultArray' => $resultArray

public function orderingSubmission(){
    $allInputFieldValues = Session::get('formEmailValues');

    $firstElement = array_shift($allInputFieldValues);

    return view('order-summary', [
        'message' => $allInputFieldValues

public function activateCustomer(Request $request)
    $techAdminFirstName = "";
    $adminId = Session::get('userId');
    $groupId = Session::get('groupId');
    $userIpAddress = $this->getIpAddress();
    $currentDateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
    //$techAdminFirstName22 = $request->get('0');// getting value by attribute 'name'
    $formEmailValues = Input::all();
    $techAdminLastName = $request->get('lastName');
    $techAdminEmail = $request->get('techEmail');
    $deliverToEmail = $request->get('deliverToEmail');

    $cdrCustomerId = CDRWSRestOperations::addCdrCustomer($adminId, $techAdminFirstName, $techAdminLastName, $techAdminEmail, $deliverToEmail, $groupId, $userIpAddress, $currentDateTime);

    if (isset($cdrCustomerId)) {
      return redirect()->to('order-summary');
    } else {

        // TODO return input
        return Redirect::back()->withErrors("Unable to activate your account.  Please try again later or contact customer support.");


private function getIpAddress()
        if (array_key_exists($key, $_SERVER) === true) {
            foreach (explode(',', $_SERVER[$key]) as $ip) {
                $ip = trim($ip); // just to be safe
                if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) {
                    return $ip;



@extends( 'template' )

@section( 'content' )

{!! Form::open(array('id' => 'activateForm')) !!}

{!! csrf_field() !!}

    .table-header-box {
        display: inline;
        height: 300px;
        width: 300px;
        padding: 10px 10px;
        font-family: "proxima-nova", sans-serif;


    <p class="userPortalText">Unified Communications Trial</p>
    <h4 class="welcomeMessage">Order Form</h4>

    <div style="padding-left: 135px; width:815px;">

        @if (count($errors) > 0)
            <div class="alert alert-danger">
                <ul class="login-error-messages" style="list-style-type:disc;">
                    @foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
                        <li>{!! $error !!}</li>
    <div class="home-rounded-border  center-content" style="width:1040px;padding-left: 30px;float:left;font-family: 'proxima-nova', sans-serif;">
        <p style="margin-left:-7px;padding-top:30px;width:980px;text-align: left;font-family: 'proxima-nova', sans-serif;">Please select users for
            participation. Provide an email for each user where application
            download instructions should be sent.</p>

        <div style="font-size:13px;padding-left:635px;width:985px;font-family: 'proxima-nova', sans-serif;">This email is for sending UC trial related
            information only. Your Business VoiceEdge user email address will not be affected.
        <table style="padding: 20px;margin-left: -15px;margin-top:-38px;display: inline-block;">
            <div style="padding:10px;">
                <tr style="font-weight: bold">
                    <td align="center">Select All</td>
                    <td width="10"></td>
                    <td valign="bottom">Join</td>
                    <td width="440" align="center" valign="bottom">Name</td>
                    <td style="margin-right:20px;float: left;">Phone # / Extension</td>
                    <td style="padding-left: 100px;">Email</td>
                <?php $usersPhoneNumber = 0;?>
                @foreach($resultArray as $key => $value)

                    @foreach($value as $key2 => $value2)
                            @foreach($value2 as $key3 => $value3)
                                if (isset($value3['phoneNumber']))
                                    $usersPhoneNumber = $value3['phoneNumber'];

                                else if (isset($value3['extension']))
                                   $usersPhoneNumber = $value3['extension'];
                                    @if($key3 == 0)
                                        <td align="center"><input type="checkbox" id="checkAll" value = ""/></td>
                                        <td align="center"></td>
                                    <td width="10"></td>
                                    <td align="center" >
                                        <input class="input_checkbox" type="checkbox" id="customer-name-checkbox" name=" " value="">
                                    <td width="420" style="">  </td>
                                    <td style="padding: 0px;" class = "usersPhoneNumber"></td>

                                    <td style=""><input style="margin-left:-35px;float: right;" type="email" class="styled-text  rounded" name="" id="customer-name-inputField" placeholder="" value=""/><br/><br/>
        <input type="submit" class="sign-in-button" style="text-align: center;margin-left: 365px;" value="Submit"/>

        <div id="statusMsg" style="margin: 0px 40px 0px 40px; background-color: #ffffff;"></div>
            <li class="logout" style="text-align: center;padding-top: 5px; padding-right: 30px"><a href="logout"><span>Logout</span></a>
{!! Form::close() !!}


 @extends( 'template' )
 @section( 'content' )

{!! Form::open(array('id' => 'activateForm')) !!}

{!! csrf_field() !!}

    .table-header-box {
        display: inline;
        height: 300px;
        width: 300px;
        padding: 10px 10px;
    <h4 class = "welcomeMessage">Order Form</h4>
    <div class="home-rounded-border  center-content" style = "width:900px;">
            <div style="margin-left: 15px;border:1px solid #cccccc;" class = "table-header-box">Name</div>
            <div style="margin-left: 48px;border:1px solid #cccccc;" class = "table-header-box">Phone Number</div>
            <div style="margin-left: 45px;border:1px solid #cccccc;" class = "table-header-box">Email</div>
        @foreach ($message as $value)

        <ul><li class="logout" style="text-align: center;padding-top: 5px;"><a href="logout"><span>Logout</span></a></li></ul>

via Chebli Mohamed

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