samedi 3 décembre 2016

ClientException in Middleware.php line 68: Client error: 404

I'm new to socialite integration in laravel..

Thus finally I did social login for google & also facebook..

But, in LinkedIn it through me an error (exception) like this

ClientException in Middleware.php line 68: Client error: 404


Route::get('auth/linkedin', 'Auth\AuthController@redirectToLinkedin');
Route::get('auth/linkedin/callback', 'Auth\AuthController@handleLinkedinCallback');


public function redirectToLinkedin()
    return Socialite::with('linkedin')->redirect();

public function handleLinkedinCallback()
    //get the driver and set desired fields
        // $driver = Socialite::driver('linkedin')->fields(['first_name','last_name','email-address']);
    // retrieve the user
        // $user = $driver->user();

    $user       = Socialite::driver('linkedin')->user();
    echo "<pre>";print_r($user);exit();

Here, I just try to print all those values retrieved from LinkedIn

But,It always through me the exception as Client error: 404


'linkedin' => [
    'client_id' => 'MYClientID',
    'client_secret' => 'MYSecretKey',
    'redirect' => 'Mycallback URL',

How should I solve this issue..Could someone help me..

Thank you in advance

via Chebli Mohamed

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