mardi 27 décembre 2016

Why ThrottleLogin class increase attempts twice every time?


When i type wrong username and password, it show total attempts left. But due to some reasons, it increase 2 attempts every time. My code is below. Am I missing something?


        'uses'          =>  'API\Auth\apiLoginController@AuthenticateUser', 
        'as'            =>  'AuthenticateUser',
        'middleware'    =>  ['throttle: 6,1']

Controller Action Method

class apiLoginController extends Controller
    use ThrottlesLogins;

    public function AuthenticateUser(LoginRequest $request) {        
        //If request fails then calling `$this->TotalAttemptsLeft($request)`
        'Message'   =>  "Invalid credentials" . $this->TotalAttemptsLeft($request) 
                                              . " attempts left.",

Throttle Login Trait

trait ThrottlesLogins
    protected function TotalAttemptsLeft($request) {
        return $this->limiter()->retriesLeft($this->resolveRequestSignature($request), 6);

    protected function resolveRequestSignature($request)
        return $request->fingerprint();


via Chebli Mohamed

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