mercredi 21 décembre 2016

How can I register a new language key at run time with Laravel?

I wrote a script with Laravel 5.3 that checks if a lang key exists in a giving language at run time. If the key does not exists, it will add it to the file.

However, if the first time around the key does not exists and I add it, then I do another check "during the same request" to see if the key exists, it will say it does not exist. So the loaded languages will not be aware that I added new keys to the file since Laravel loaded the keys in memory and I am only writing to the file on the hard-disk.

when I evaluate the Illuminate\Translation\Translator class I see that the load method checks if a groups is load it does not load it again.

Here is the Laravel Code

 * Load the specified language group.
 * @param  string  $namespace
 * @param  string  $group
 * @param  string  $locale
 * @return void
public function load($namespace, $group, $locale)
    if ($this->isLoaded($namespace, $group, $locale)) {

    // The loader is responsible for returning the array of language lines for the
    // given namespace, group, and locale. We'll set the lines in this array of
    // lines that have already been loaded so that we can easily access them.
    $lines = $this->loader->load($locale, $group, $namespace);

    $this->loaded[$namespace][$group][$locale] = $lines;

Is there a way to force Laravel to read the language each time I request? Or, is there a way to add a key to the currently-in-memory keys? How can I tell laravel that I added new keys?

via Chebli Mohamed

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