mercredi 21 décembre 2016

Could I use ThrottleRequests class in my controller to get remaining attempts?


        'uses'          =>  'API\Auth\apiLoginController@AuthenticateUser', 
        'as'            =>  'AuthenticateUser',
        'middleware'    =>  ['throttle: 6,1']

Controller Action Method

class apiLoginController extends Controller
    use ThrottlesLogins;

    public function AuthenticateUser(LoginRequest $request) {        
        //If request fails then calling `$this->TotalAttemptsLeft($request)`
        'Message'   =>  "Invalid credentials" . $this->TotalAttemptsLeft($request) 
                                              . " attempts left.",

Details about the issue

ThrottlesLogins class present here :


has a function called throttleKey which uses username and IP address for the key whereas ThrottleRequests class which is present here:


uses $request->fingerprint(); function to get key

What's the problem?

In the controller action method above: I am unable to get total attempts left using method TotalAttemptsLeft in ThrottlesLogins class.


Is there any way if I could use ThrottleRequests class in my controller to get remaining attempts? or please suggest any appropriate way

via Chebli Mohamed

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